terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2012

"Prime Minister NODA's BLOG" E-mail Service

"Prime Minister NODA's BLOG" E-mail Service (July 17, 2012)
Prime Minister NODA's BLOG http://nodasblog.kantei.go.jp/
Latest Information
Prime Minister NODA's KEYWORDS

"Regarding people who have made contributions around the world" (Posted on July 5)

"I intend to work to the best of my ability to foster an environment that nurtures internationally capable human resources such as yourselves and enables their activities in companies and within society."

* Read the rest http://nodasblog.kantei.go.jp/2012/07/120705.html


"Politics aiming to make decisions and implement policy" (Posted on July 3)

"Politics aims to make decisions and implement policy following thorough deliberations. I believe that everyone wants to see debate that goes beyond the boundaries of ruling and opposition parties. Although I took up the position of Prime Minister in the midst of this very difficult situation, I consider myself to have found my calling to a certain extent."

* Read the rest http://nodasblog.kantei.go.jp/2012/07/120703.html

"The will to leave for other countries full of ambition" (Posted on June 28)

"Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has carved out a path to prosperity through our predecessors resolutely taking on challenges around the world."

* Read the rest http://nodasblog.kantei.go.jp/2012/06/120628.html

"Prime Minister NODA's BLOG" E-mail Service (July 12, 2012)
Prime Minister NODA's BLOG http://nodasblog.kantei.go.jp/
Latest Information

Prime Minister NODA's BLOG

"By degrees and with tenacity" (Posted on July 4)

"Although it may be conveyed only by degrees over time, we will tenaciously take on the comprehensive reform of social security and taxation systems and the reconstruction of the disaster-affected areas, progressing steadily forward step by step, even if only by a very short distance. I intend to take just such an approach as I continue to focus intently on "generating results.""

* Read the rest http://nodasblog.kantei.go.jp/2012/07/120704.html

Publication : Cabinet Public Relations Office 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8968, Japan
- Cancellation of "Prime Minister NODA's BLOG" E-mail Service https://www.mmz.kantei.go.jp/cancelPcEn

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