"Harnessing the smiles of children" (Posted on October 18)
"I think you'll agree that the smiling faces of children are truly wonderful any time you see them. One can feel hope for tomorrow just by watching them for a while, and more than anything, their smiles are a kind of healing of the stresses of daily life...
Children's smiling faces foster the smiles of their mothers and fathers. I have confirmed my belief that the creation of a country overflowing with such kinds of smiles is the aim of the "children first" policy advocated by the Democratic Party of Japan."
"Visits to Fukushima, Seoul, and events around Tokyo" (Posted on October 25)
"One which I can say had a particular impact on my life was an old American movie called Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, starring James Stewart. It tells the story of a politician who takes action in order to protect the environment...
Good movies change people's lives and their impressive nature spreads, regardless of national boundaries. I can't help thinking I would like politics also to have just such a presence in society."
""Preparedness and caliber" to create hope" (Posted on October 31)
"Today, the global population topped seven billion people, and it seems that in Japan as well, children born today can be officially recognized as being "the seven billionth person." We must pass the third supplementary budget and the drafts of related laws at as early a time as possible and then transition them into implementation in order to reduce by even a little the future burdens of the children born today."
"A duty to uphold "national credibility"" (Posted on November 7)
"Last week I participated in the G20 Summit held in Cannes, France...
One matter confirmed at this summit was that the fiscal issues of a single nation are having repercussions upon the globe and causing economic and financial instability internationally...
Looking at the situation in Greece, this summit once again caused me to feel deeply the importance of upholding "national credibility"."
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